Backyard Shakespeare

This third in a trio will complete my short series of blog posts on discovering your own backyard. It is another way of highlighting the marvelous joys that are sometimes well within our grasp, if only we find the time and the opportunity to enjoy them. Shakespeare in...

The High View of Chicago

In my last blog post, I extolled some of the virtues of staying put, at least for a vacation, as opposed to roaming the world, a charge to which I plead guilty on a regular basis, though more in connection with work than pleasure. That was a teaser to my real goal of...

Ode to Vacations

There is a great deal to be said for vacations, even when you don’t vacate the premises. In fact, I am smack in the middle of enjoying just such a vacation right now. I am away from the office for two weeks, and I am at home. Not that I have always stayed at home. I...

Preview on Post-Disaster Recovery Report

This post is not a substitute for my normal blog commentary, but I am catching up. Just a little bit. I am on a vacation from the American Planning Association for two weeks, and will blog this week and next on some more leisurely topics as a result, but right now I...

Calling All Disaster Experts

Think not only of the natural disasters suffered within the U.S. each year, but around the world. Then imagine finding between 400 and 500 of the most experienced experts in the various fields related to research and practice on natural disasters and bringing them...