
The following is a slightly condensed list of Jim’s publications—books, reports, articles, etc.—of the past 25 years. Items prior to 1985 are omitted. (APA indicates American Planning Association; PAS is Planning Advisory Service.)


  • Deeper Shades of Green: The Rise of Blue-Collar and Minority Environmentalism in America (San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1994)
  • Raising Less Corn and More Hell: Midwestern Farmers Speak Out (Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 1988)


  • Subdivision Design and Flood Hazard Areas, PAS Report No. 584 (Chicago: APA, September 2016), general editor and co-author
  • Planning for Post-Disaster Recovery: Next Generation, PAS Report No. 576 (Chicago: APA, December 2014), general editor and co-author
  • Planning and Drought, PAS No. 574 (Chicago: APA, January 2014), general editor and co-author
  • Hazard Mitigation: Integrating Best Practices into Planning, PAS No. 560, (Chicago: APA, September 2008), principal author and project editor
  • Planning the Urban Forest: Ecology, Economy, and Community Development, PAS Report No. 555, (Chicago: APA, September 2008), principal author and project editor
  • Tribal Transportation Programs, NCHRP Synthesis 366 (Washington, D.C.: Transportation Research Board, 2007), with Stuart Meck and Rebecca Retzlaff
  • Landslide Hazards and Planning, PAS Report No. 533/534 (Chicago: APA, October 2005), principal author and project editor
  • Planning for Wildfires, PAS Report No. 529/530 (Chicago: American Planning Association, March 2005), with Stuart Meck
  • Firewise Post-Workshop Assessment Final Report, prepared for National Fire Protection Association, 2003 (with contributions from Lincoln Walther and Lynn Ross)
  • Regional Approaches to Affordable Housing, PAS Report No. 512 (Chicago: APA, March 2003), with Stuart Meck and Rebecca Retzlaff
  • Planning for Post-Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction, PAS Report No. 483/484 (Chicago: APA, December 1998), with contributions from Kenneth C. Topping, Charles D. Eadie, and Robert E. Deyle and Richard A. Smith
  • Planning and Zoning for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, PAS Report No. 482 (Chicago: APA, December 1998)
  • Industrial Performance Standards for a New Century, PAS Report No. 444 (Chicago: APA, April 1993)
  • The Farm Credit Crisis in Iowa (Iowa City: Legislative Extended Assistance Group, University of Iowa, February 1985)


  • The Agricultural Policy Debate: An Annotated Bibliography (Chicago: Council of Planning Librarians, August 1988)

Proceedings (as editor)

  • Linking Conservation, Land-Use Regulation, and Science, Proceedings of a Symposium Sponsored by the American Planning Association, Supported by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, Chicago, Illinois, September 15-16, 1999

Encyclopedia Articles

Anthology Contributions

  • Planning and Climate Change, chapter in Living with Climate Change: How Communities Are Surviving and Thriving in a Changing Climate, Jane A. Bullock, George D. Haddow, Kim S. Haddow, and Damon P. Coppola, eds. (Auerbach Publications, 2015)
  • Pianificazione per la riduzione degli eventi esterni negli Stati Uniti. Iniziative dell’American Planning Association, chapter in Il clima cambia le città: Strategie di adattamento e mitigazione nella pianificazione urbanistica edited by Francesco Musco and Edoardo Zanchini, FrancoAngeli (Italy, 2015)
  • “The Role of Planning in Reducing the Impacts of Global Warming,” chapter in Global Warming, Natural Hazards, and Emergency Management, Jane A. Bullock, George D. Haddow, and Kim S. Haddow, eds. (CRC Press, 2008)
  • Ten articles in Planning and Urban Design Standards, produced by APA (Environmental Justice; Flooding; Tornadoes; Volcanoes; Tsunamis and Seiches; Hurricanes and Coastal Storms; Earthquakes; Wildfires; Feedlots; Federal Disaster Law) (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005)
  • “Community Land Use Planning,” chapter in American Perspectives on the Wildland/Urban Interface, Cheryl Blake, ed. (The National Wildland/Urban Interface Fire Program, 2004)
  • Site Planning Fundamentals: A Workbook for Central America and the Caribbean, James A. Hecimovich, ed. (Chicago: American Planning Association, 2001), Sections 2.3 (Climate), 3 (Site Design Concepts), and 5 (Site Planning: A Hypothetical Exercise)
  • “Environmental LULUs: In Whose Backyard?” in Planning and Community Equity, James A. Hecimovich, ed. (Chicago: APA, 1994)
  • “A Christian Perspective on Environmental Justice” in Care of the Earth: An Environmental Resource Manual for Church Leaders, Tina B. Krause, ed. (Chicago: Lutheran School of Theology, 1994)

Feature & Journal Articles

  • “After the Buyouts: Managing Land in the Floodplain,” Zoning Practice, April 2021
  • “Building Green Infrastructure and Urban Landscapes,” Unasylva, Vol. 69 (250), 2018/1, with P. Calaza, P. Cari単anos, F. J. Escobedo, and G. Tovar
  • “High and Dry on the Waterfront,” Zoning Practice, November 2013
  • “Reporter’s Toolbox: Covering Recovery from Disasters—Part II: State and Federal Issues,” SEJournal, Winter 2011, Vol. 20, No. 4
  • “Reporter’s Toolbox: Covering Recovery from Disasters—Part I: Local Issues,” SEJournal, Fall 2010, Vol. 20, No. 3
  • “Winds of Change,” Planning, October 2009
  • “Making Hazards a Planning Priority,” PAS Memo, July/August 2009
  • “Branching Out,” Planning, March 2009
  • “A Landscape of Hazards,” Planning, December 2008
  • “Better Foliage through Zoning,“ with Carrie Fesperman, Zoning Practice, June 2008
  • “Principles of Urban Forestry,” American Forests, Spring 2008
  • “Fixing the Future,” Planning, August/September 2005
  • “Zoning for Wildfire Mitigation,” Zoning Practice, March 2005 (with Stuart Meck)
  • “Principles of Safe Growth,” The Commissioner, Winter 2005
  • “All Fired Up,” Planning, November 2004 (with Stuart Meck)
  • “Planning for a Rainy Day: Addressing Natural Hazards in State Land-Use Laws,” Planning & Environmental Law, January 2004
  • “Faith-Based Planned Developments: Sorting Out the Uses,” Zoning News, June 2003
  • “Who’s Got the Energy?,” Planning, October 2002
  • “A Christian Perspective on Environmental Justice,” Earth Letter, January 2002
  • “Creating Urban Park Legacies Through Collaboration,” PAS Memo, August 2001 (with Mary E. Eysenbach and Megan S. Lewis)
  • “Sun, Wind, and Building Design,” Zoning News, December 2000
  • “Using Planning to Enhance the Urban Environment,” Industry and Environment, United Nations Environment Programme, Vol. 23, No. 2 (Fall 2000)
  • “Planning for Industrial Survival,” Zoning News, September 2000
  • “Give a Shelter a Home,” Zoning News, May 2000
  • “Parks: Green Spaces May Calm and Cool Us,” SEJournal, Spring 2000
  • “Considering Sprawwwl,” SEJournal, Spring 1999 (with Stuart Meck)
  • “Confining the Impacts of Confined Animal Feeding,” Zoning News, April 1999
  • “Post-Disaster Zoning Opportunities,” Zoning News, August 1998
  • “The Challenge of Industrial Ecology,” Zoning News, June 1998
  • “Public Education: Blueprint for a Sustainable Bay Area,” Planning, April 1998
  • “Implementation: Tennessee Riverpark,” Planning, April 1998
  • “Appraising Sustainable Development: How Green Are My Property Values?”, Valuation Insights and Perspectives, Fourth Quarter 1997
  • “Zoning for Flood Hazards,” Zoning News, October 1997
  • “Redeveloping Brownfields,” PAS Memo, May 1997
  • “Vacating and Replatting Platted Lands,” Zoning News, May 1997
  • “The Problem of Antiquated Subdivisions,” Zoning News, April 1997
  • “Zoning and Big Box Religion,” Zoning News, November 1996
  • “Sustainable Development: Converting Motherhood and Apple Pie into Substance,” Environment & Development, September/October 1996; reprinted in Renewable Resources Journal, Summer 1997
  • “Death and the Power of Place,” Conscious Choice, May/June 1996
  • “Nature Bats Last’: The Politics of Floodplain Management,” Environment & Development, January/February 1996
  • “Rapid Response Tools for Waterfront Change,” Zoning News, November 1995
  • “Adult Uses Neither Die nor Fade Away,” Zoning News, September 1995
  • “Land-use Planning and Environmental Justice,” Environment & Development, July 1995
  • “Zoning for Eternity,” Zoning News, May 1995; reprinted in Catholic Cemetery
  • “Environmental Justice in America: Where Are We?”, Earth Day Times, 1995
  • “Conservation Reserve Program: A Walk on the Wildlife Side,” Environment & Development, March 1995
  • “Water Over the Dam: Lessons in Floodplain Management,” Environment & Development, September 1994
  • “Planning for Wildlife Migration Corridors,” Environment & Development, May 1994
  • “The Biology of Wildlife Migration Corridors,” Environment & Development, April 1994
  • “A Primer on Restrictive Covenants,” Zoning News, February 1994
  • “When Cities and Counties Cooperate,” Zoning News, November 1993
  • “Home, Safe Home?”, Zoning News, September 1993
  • “A Planner’s Guide to EPCRA,” Environment & Development, July 1993
  • “Of Mines, Quarries, and Zoning Quandaries,” Zoning News, June 1993
  • “Recycling for Jobs and Dollars,” Environment & Development, June 1993
  • “Toxics Use Reduction,” Environment & Development, March 1993
  • “The Performance Standards Approach to Industrial Zoning,” Zoning News, February 1993
  • “Avoiding the Sting: Cities and Contaminated Sites,” Environment & Development, November 1992
  • “Toxic Buyouts: You Can’t Go Home Again,” The Neighborhood Works, August-September 1992
  • “Airport Siting: The Environmental Challenges,” Environment & Development, July 1992
  • “Ready or Not, Stormwater Deadlines Loom,” Environment & Development, May 1992 (with Amy Van Doren)
  • “Regulating Hillside Development,” Zoning News, March 1992
  • “Urban Trees, Air Quality, and Energy Conservation,” Environment & Development, March 1992; reprinted in City Seeds, Fall 1997
  • “Local Incinerator Battle Not Just Another NIMBY,” The Neighborhood Works, December 1991-January 1992
  • “Silver Linings in the S&L Bailout,” PAS Memo, November 1991 (with Marya Morris)
  • “Regulating the Use of Waterways,” Zoning News, October 1991
  • “Blue-Collar Groups Are Saying, ‘Not in Our Backyard’,” Planning, October 1991
  • “Training Citizen Planning Officials,” Zoning News, June 1991
  • “Adequate Public Facilities Ordinances,” Zoning News, May 1991 (with Marya Morris)
  • “Regulating Development on Inland Lakes,” Zoning News, March 1991
  • “Making Zoning Enforcement Effective,” Zoning News, December 1990
  • “Along the Soft Path,” Planning, September 1990
  • “8 Interviewing Tactics Vital to the Oral Historian–and to Any Interviewer,” Writer’s Digest, April 1990
  • “Two Forks Stalled–for Now,” Planning, April 1990
  • “Alaska’s Northwest Area Plan,” Planning, March 1990
  • “Hanging Together,” Planning, January 1990
  • “Farmers and Environmentalists: The Attraction Is Chemical,” The Nation, October 16, 1989
  • “Riverfront Gamblers,” Planning, September 1989
  • “Omaha Held Hostage,” The Progressive, May 1989
  • “Chapters, Distinguished Service,” Planning, March 1989
  • “Data for Sale,” Planning, January 1989
  • “Waste Not, Want Not,” Planning, October 1988
  • “Honorable Mentions,” Planning, April 1988
  • “Hazardous Waste: What Goes Around Comes Around,” Planning, February 1988
  • “Brass Roots,” Planning, August 1987
  • “You Can’t Get There from Here,” Planning, July 1987
  • “The Mayor Was Right,” Historic Preservation, May/June 1987
  • “Training Wheels,” Planning, April 1987
  • “Tools of the Trade,” Planning, February 1987
  • “Sheltering the Homeless,” Planning, December 1986
  • “Small Towns, Big Dreams,” Planning, November 1986
  • “Learning to Live with Airports,” Planning, October 1986 (with Ruth Knack)
  • “Garbage In, Garbage Out,” Planning, October 1986
  • “Winning Ways,” Planning, April 1986
  • “The Broke Banks of Cherokee,” The Lutheran, March 5, 1986
  • “Saving the System, Not the Farmers,” The Nation, January 18, 1986
  • “The Bank Is Closed,” The Lutheran Standard, November 15, 1985
  • “Neighbors United in Need,” Country Journal, October 1985
  • “The Shaky Farm Credit System,” The Nation, May 11, 1985
  • “Farm Protest Hits the Statehouses,” The Nation, January 19, 1985

Guest Columns/Editorials

  • “Issues in Arboriculture,” City Trees, July 2008
  • “The Essence of Sustainable Planning,” American Forests, Autumn 1997
  • “Industrial Performance Standards for a Cleaner Environment,” Area Development, October 1993
  • “Don’t Overlook Value of the Trade Press,” SEJournal, Fall 1993
  • “Looking Beyond Blame to Environmental Cleanup,” The Neighborhood Works, June/July 1993
  • “The Need for Two-Fisted Liberalism,” North American Farmer, January 1989
  • “Soil-conservation Policy Must Be Dealt With Now, Before Iowa Mirrors Ethiopia,” Des Moines Register, June 3, 1985 (with Gary Lamb)
  • “Farm Prices Are Heart of Crisis,” The Daily Iowan, February 27, 1985

Book Reviews

  • Schwab, James C. (2011) “Review of The World in 2050: Four Forces Shaping Civilization’s Northern Future,” Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management: Vol. 8: Iss. 1, Article 18.
  • A Land on Fire, James David Fahn; Trouble in Paradise, J. Timmons Roberts and Nikki Demetria Thanos; and Tropical Forests,
  • International Jungle, Marie-Claude Smouts, in SEJournal, Spring 2004
  • Breaking Gridlock: Moving Toward Transportation that Works, Jim Motavalli, in SEJournal, Fall 2002
  • Not in My Back Yard: The Handbook, Jane Anne Morris, in The Neighborhood Works, February-March 1995
  • Forcing the Spring: The Transformation of the American Environmental Movement, Robert Gottlieb, in The Nation, February 14, 1994
  • L.A.’s Lethal Air: New Strategies for Policy, Organizing, and Action, Eric Mann with the WATCHDOG Organizing Committee, in The Neighborhood Works, February-March 1992
  • The Fate of the Forest, Suzanna Hecht and Alexander Cockburn, in The Progressive, June 1990
  • The Law of the Land, John Opie, and Family Farming: A New Economic Vision, Marty Strange, in The Nation, April 3, 1989
  • Garbage Disposal Economics: A Statistical Snapshot; An Environmental Review of Incineration Technologies; Municipal Solid Waste Incineration; Ash Management and Disposal; and Summary Testimonies Critiquing
  • Environmental and Public Health Assessments on Emissions of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration, all by Institute for Local Self-Reliance, in Planning, December 1987
  • Landscapes of Despair: From Deinstitutionalization to Homelessness, Michael Dear and Jennifer Wolch, in Planning, December 1987
  • Silicon Landscapes, Peter Hill and Ann Markusen, eds.; The High Cost of High Tech: The Dark Side of the Chip, Lenny Siegel and John Markoff, in Planning, May 1986
  • High Hopes for High Tech: Microelectronics Policy in North Carolina, Dale Whittington, ed., in Planning, May 1986
  • Regulating Paradise: Land Use Controls in Hawaii, David Callies, in Planning, March 1986


  • “Nature’s Architect: An Interview with William McDonough,” SEJournal, Fall 2000
  • “An Interview with: Fred Bosselman,” Environment & Development, September/October 1996
  • “An Interview with: J. Gary Lawrence,” Environment & Development, May/June 1996
  • “An Interview with: Hank Dittmar,” Environment & Development, January/February 1996
  • “An Interview with: Scott Bernstein,” Environment & Development, September/October 1995