This blog has gone quiet for weeks until now, the second time since last May. My last post was about a month ago, linking readers to a newly released podcast in the Resilience Roundtable series for the American Planning Association. I will be doing more of those in coming months and will keep readers posted. After that, of course, followed the holidays, and some of my hiatus was associated with taking a little time off.

But as in the seven-week break early last summer, the extended break this time was primarily for medical reasons. Without going into details, I had some difficult surgery January 3 that was immediately followed, in post-op, by some complications from a pre-existing condition that made for a difficult release. I am just emerging from the recovery from all that, trying to assume most of my normal duties and functions but not always finding my usual level of energy to perform them, so jobs lag. I have had plenty of ideas for articles, but not the time or energy, but that is quickly changing.  It just takes time.

Look for more very soon. One modest benefit of even a modest-length convalescence is the opportunity, when one is awake and comfortable enough, to read with focus. I did not waste the opportunity. Now I am ready to start sharing some of what I learned.

Once again, I am grateful for my readers, whose numbers have grown despite my absence from the scene, which tells me that people find recent or older writings via friends or the Internet, get hooked, and register as subscribers. That trust is precious to me, and I aim to continue earning it.

Jim Schwab