This post is not a substitute for my normal blog commentary, but I am catching up. Just a little bit. I am on a vacation from the American Planning Association for two weeks, and will blog this week and next on some more leisurely topics as a result, but right now I want to introduce you to a free streaming media download just released online from APA. As the result of a funding agreement between APA and the Governors’ South Atlantic Alliance, APA was able, during its 2013 National Planning Conference here in Chicago in April, to provide a live webcast of two back-to-back 75-minute panel discussions on planning for post-disaster recovery. The presentations were drawn from our work through the APA Hazards Planning Research Center on Planning for Post-disaster Recovery: Next Generation, funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, to recraft an aging 1998 document we had produced, Planning for Post-Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction (Planning Advisory Service Report No. 483/484). Each session included three speakers, two of whom were authors of sections of the forthcoming report, and one each from communities that served as case studies in the report. The agreement not only permitted the live webcast but recording, which has now been posted online for universal accessibility. Enjoy the show.

An APA announcement of the streaming download also appears on the Recovery News blog.

Jim Schwab