by admin | Apr 9, 2019 | Activism, Books, Chicago, Climate, Drought, Environment, Floodplain management, Infrastructure, Natural Hazards, Public policy, Resilience, Science, Water
I grew up near the shores of Lake Erie, in suburban Cleveland. After a seven-year stint in Iowa and Nebraska, I ended up in Chicago, where I have lived since 1985. The Great Lakes have been part of my ecological and geographic consciousness for essentially 90 percent...
by admin | Mar 3, 2019 | Books, Careers, Disaster, Emergency Management, Government, History, Infrastructure, Natural Hazards, New Orleans, Personal history, Public policy, Public safety, Resilience, Transportation, Uncategorized, Urban Planning
GRATITUDE ON PARADE#gratitudeonparade The size of the American Planning Association’s loss when Stuart Meck departed can be measured easily by the size of Rutgers University’s gain when he joined their staff, a fact immortalized by the Rutgers decision to...
by admin | Jan 28, 2019 | Climate, Disaster, Disaster policy, Floodplain management, Government, Natural Hazards, Public policy, Resilience, Urban Planning
Eroded hillsides have helped push New Zealand to adopt its own approach to risk reduction. Late in 2017, I received an inquiry from Oxford University Press. Professor Ann-Margaret Esnard at the Urban Studies Institute at Georgia State University had recommended me for...
by admin | Nov 6, 2018 | Activism, Civil rights, Disaster, Disaster policy, Government, Housing, Natural Hazards, Public policy, Resilience, Urban Planning, Water, Wildfire
This post will be brief. Rather than ask you to read my thoughts, I want you to listen–hard. It has long been known among disaster recovery planners that lower-income citizens are considerably more vulnerable to disasters largely because of the marginal...
by admin | Oct 12, 2018 | Agriculture, Business, Disaster, Disaster policy, Floodplain management, Floodplain management, Government, History, Industry, Natural Hazards, Politics, Public health, Public policy, Public safety
It has been a few weeks of drought on this blog, but just the opposite in North Carolina, where Hurricane Florence dropped up to 30 inches of rain in some locations, and floods migrated downstream via numerous rivers to swamp cities both inland and near the coast....
by admin | Aug 25, 2018 | Activism, Blogging, Books, Careers, Government, History, National security, Politics, Public policy, Writing
Like John McCain’s assuredly final book, The Restless Wave, I read Facts and Fears: Hard Truths from a Life in Intelligence, by James R. Clapper, in large part because my wife bought it for me. The usual pathway to my desk for books I discuss in this blog is that they...