by admin | Jan 12, 2019 | Activism, Careers, Disaster, Disaster policy, Education, Government, Gratitude, History, Natural Hazards, Personal history, Uncategorized, Urban Planning, Volunteerism
GRATITUDE ON PARADE #gratitudeonparade Today’s late-night entry has no photo because I have none from so long ago, certainly not digitized, anyway–or easily found. That makes Lynn Saunders’s contribution to my career no less seminal or memorable. An...
by admin | Jan 5, 2019 | Activism, Blogging, Careers, Education, Gratitude, Personal health, Personal history, Resilience, Urban Planning
Gratitude on Parade #1 Okay, call me a copycat. If an idea is good enough, why not copy it proudly? On New Year’s Day, I read in a Chicago Tribune column by Heidi Stevens about a woman, Jen Kramer, who began a daily effort on Facebook a year ago as #yearoflove....
by admin | Jan 1, 2019 | Activism, Careers, Education, Personal history, Urban Planning, Writing
As a New Year arrives, perhaps it was the gift-giving season and the story of Christmas that prompted this blog post. Or, perhaps, it was simply lurking in my subconscious mind, awaiting the appropriate opportunity to emerge into the light of conscious deliberation....
by admin | Nov 6, 2018 | Activism, Civil rights, Disaster, Disaster policy, Government, Housing, Natural Hazards, Public policy, Resilience, Urban Planning, Water, Wildfire
This post will be brief. Rather than ask you to read my thoughts, I want you to listen–hard. It has long been known among disaster recovery planners that lower-income citizens are considerably more vulnerable to disasters largely because of the marginal...
by admin | Oct 21, 2018 | Activism, Blogging, Civil rights, Government, Journalism, Personal history, Politics, Writing
Last night, I read one of those publisher columns that are often boring and laborious, but this one nailed it. Mother Jones CEO Monika Bauerlein recounted a conversation with a veteran editor she admires who inquired about the partisan bias he perceived in the monthly...
by admin | Aug 25, 2018 | Activism, Blogging, Books, Careers, Government, History, National security, Politics, Public policy, Writing
Like John McCain’s assuredly final book, The Restless Wave, I read Facts and Fears: Hard Truths from a Life in Intelligence, by James R. Clapper, in large part because my wife bought it for me. The usual pathway to my desk for books I discuss in this blog is that they...